Amino Digest Pro

Amino Digest Pro

Some people avoid the use of amino acids in liquid form and look for as naturally occurring substances with less aggressive aromas. By adding Amino Digest Pro Powder to the mix, we get a high quality boil that will not overwhelm the amino acid signal and will not change your idea of a "mild" mix. There are people who do not save on components and do not complain about spending 100ml of Attract Natural for a small amount of mixes, which in some cases is not good. There is a possibility that the fish can be defended by some instincts because it has had poor food experience with over-saturated amino acids. That's why Amino Digest Pro powder is the only balance between natural substances and is extremely well used in combination with C.S.P. Bio Protein. Just add 1 teaspoon Amino Digest Pro to 1 kg and 1 teaspoon of C.S.P. Bio Protein. In case you make your own boil, when other substances are not available and when they are made from some ordinary flour, then 2 teaspoons of Amino Digest and 1 spoon of C.S.P. Bio Protein per 1kg. Packaging 250g.
